Thursday, November 24, 2011

UPC-Phils. MASS CHOIR 2012

... Criteria for members: At least currently involved in local church music ministry.
Location: ACTS and PEC
Day: Monday and Thursday
Time: 630pm sharp - 830pm (2hrs practice only)
ACTS, Cubao (Monday)
NOVEMBER 21 | 28
DECEMBER 12 | 19
JANUARY 9 | 16 | 23
FEBRUARY 6 (combined) | 13 (combined)
PEC, Makati (Thursday)
DECEMBER 1 | 15 | 22
JANUARY 12 | 19 | 26
Thanks and Godbless.

General Conference 2012 Update

Christian greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

We are excited about the upcoming 2012 General Conference to be held at the Cuneta Astrodome, Pasay City on February 22 through 26, 2012.

We are looking forward to the anointed preaching and teaching of the Word of God by Rev. Wayne Huntly, nightly evangelistic Speaker, and Rev. Darell Johns, the daily Bible Teacher.

The day sessions and the nightly evangelsitic services for the conference will all be held at the Cuneta Astrodome.

The registration fee for the conference will be as follows:
Ministers coming from Region 1 – P 800.00
Ministers coming from Region 2 –  700.00
Ministers coming from Region 3 – 600.00
Delegates – 100.00
Let us pray for the success of the business meetings that purposes of God be fulfilled and let us pray for all the speakers, teachers,  musicians, singers, ushers, altar workers etc. that they be greatly anointed and empowered to be greatly used for God’s glory. Let us all pray for a greater outpouring of God’s Spirit during the conference that many be filled with the Holy Ghost, backsliders will be restored and saints will be encouraged and strengthened to do greater things for God.

We are again requesting all ministers to pre-register for the conference. Please fill out the enclosed 2012 GENERAL CONFERENCE pre-registration form and send it back to our Headquarters Office together with the corresponding registration fee to be received here on or before January 31, 2012.

At this writing, we have received words that REV. KENNETH HANEY, former General Superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church Int’l is very ill at this time. He has been diagnosed with inoperable brain tumor. Let us all unite in prayer for his healing. We are also requesting prayer for REV.JEFFREY D. MALLORY who has ben diagnosed with cancer and is presently undergoing chemotheraphy.

Please make special efforts to attend this vey important event. Let’s pray and believe for a greater outpouring of God’s Spirit.

Sincerely yours,
Rev. Alfredo S. Bodegas, DDiv. (SGD)
General Superintendent
United Pentecostal Church Phils., Inc.